If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


A busy day with household jobs I have been leaving while we did winter maintenance on the Lodge followed by a meeting neat Cockermouth in the evening.  As usual I started by looking out of the window for bird shots.  Very few birds and none I hadn't blipped recently.  We did however set a new record for the number of Pheasants in the garden at one time.  Ten!  All female, it felt a bit like having a garden with hens wandering round.   One later allowed me with in a couple of metres (6 feet) when I was filling the feeders.

So the blip is a sort of emergency.  It is a Gerbera.  Clickychick bought flowers to mark the day her mother died and the colours were Freda's favourites.  Gerbera are members of the Aster family and named after Gerber a botanist friend of Carl Linnaeus.

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