Life through the lens...

By ValC

Almost CATastrophic!

No way out!
I can't run any faster.
Dead end.
Turn back.
One more pounce and.............
I'm no more!
What's happening!
I'm in the air?
No, being gently squeezed.
Feels safe.
What's happening to me?
I can see down a long sort of tunnel.
Ah, that's better a grassy bank.
Run, run, run.
That was a narrow escape!!

The little Bank Vole, rescued from the claws of Marvin. (my graddaughters' cat)

I arrived just in time to see this cute little fellow being chased up and down the side of a wall outside their house.
Jumped out of the car, (First grabbing the camera) Chased away the cat, and then managed to catch the poor frighted creature.
Photo shoot first!! Then put him safely on the river bank.( For how long I don't know! )
Hannah said she would let me know if Marvin brought anything back with him !

After this excitement, I went to pick up the Christmas tree.
I have been getting it from the same place for many years.
They have hundreds, all shapes and sizes.
A great set of lads!
Don't mind that I want to look at one right at the back!
(All though he laughingly said, did I usually want the bottom tin when I bought beans!!)
Anyhow, when he eventually managed to get it out, it was just right.
They sawed an inch off the bottom (so that I can put it in water) and it is now in the corner of the garden, in a bucket, and will be put up at the begining of next week.
As usual I will have my two little elves to help me decorate it!

Now off to write my Christmas cards.
Hope you are all having a good weekend!

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