Growing old disgracefully


IT'S OFFICAL of today, I am on holiday. Although holidays don't really exist for the self employed worker from home. This would be bad news if I didn't like my work so much. I shall be working on quite a few wee projects but at least I won't have any meetings or classes until 5 January.

In this relaxed mood, I decided I could take some time out n to help a pal knit for the fish and chip babies*. I used to knit lots when I was younger and I had forgotten until today how pleasant it can be, as long as it's not too complicated. It can be very meditative and soothing. The soft feel of the wool, the click of the needles, the repetitive motion.

I started the day in style, with the Professor bringing me breakfast in bed while I surfed on my ipad. My excuse is a heavy cold. Struggled through the day, sneezing and coughing, but at least managed to get my Christmas cards written. I enjoyed hti smore than I expected. I feel so grateful for so many lovely friends and have happy memories of times I have spent with a rich variety of people spanning five decades. I don't seem to know anyone from my first decade anymore, except from family. Some of them I never see any more, but the bonds are still strong.

Not too bad a day, but feeling a bit sad now as we can't have the VIP for his normal sleep over tomorrow. He has had lots of colds and chest infections recently and I don't want to infect him again because of his asthma.

Off to get into my jammies, pour a stiff drink, pull up the box of tissues and enjoy The Killing...

* I confess to wondering a little about this project - woudl it be better to send money for retro viral drugs instead?

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