Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

I know what you’re thinking

Cats can’t do math. Well don’t be so sure. They have a reputation for aloofness for a reason. I am almost certain Dylan is putting together a complex formula for a new kind of cat superfood. Or planning world domination.

We went shopping for curtains without success today. But we did buy a milk saucepan.

Holocaust Memorial Day. Remember. Learn. We all have a duty to fight the monsters that lurk beneath the thin veneer that we call civilisation. The fight starts with our own education.

Today’s list:

Spoke to: Big Brother To wish him happy birthday
Was called: A pumpkin head. By my great niece.
Read: The New Yorker and The Inflamed Mind by Edward Bullimore
Ate: Marks and Spencer’s vegan fishless cakes and dirty fries
Booked: flights to Montreal in April

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