Choose Joy

By Energia

Hooray for cell phone cameras

My Fuji died, again, today. It is very similar to its behavior my first day in Peru, my first bucket list trip, a country with no Fuji repair shops. Then it worked if I put it in auto, bought brand new tiny SD cards, and took multiple pictures to help it succeed in getting focus for at least one of them. This time it does not read the card, any card, even after it has formatted the card, period.

Fortunately I have my cell phone and Moment tele and wide lenses so I am only frustrated about one shot.

This picture shows that it is so cold the trees need coats. I was in Prizren today, a town with a lovely section where people have knit various little designs and wrapped the trees in them.

One of the unfair gender social norms is that women are allowed to express emotion in situations where men aren’t. Today my driver and I hiked a very steep incline to get to a fort. It was fine, except for the ice. If I were male I don’t think he would have grabbed my arm and helped me safely ascend or descend AND I DEFINITELY NEEDED AND APPRECIATED the help.

I got to go into a mosque. Cool thing about hoodies, you have instant head covering.

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