Winter (Day 1364)

Snow arrived in Orkney overnight. Thick flakes were falling as I got myself organised to head out to work. The road outside the house (the main road between Stromness and Kirkwall) was white and the traffic slithered along slowly.
The drive to Dounby wasn't too bad, just a case of being a bit careful and keeping my speed well down. As I arrived at the bathroom re-fit, the snow flakes tripled in size. The joiner was already at the job, busy re-building the door of the cupboard which I demolished at the start of the job. With space in the bathroom really limited, I thought it best to get on with replacing the downstairs loo rather than get in the joiner's way whilst replacing the basin in the bathroom.
There was an unscheduled trip out to get a couple of pipe fittings, and if anything the road was a bit worse than it had been earlier. I watched as one driver nearly went off the road, a situation they would probably have avoided if they had taken the time to remove the snow from their windows before they started their journey.
I had the loo fitted by lunchtime, and with the joiner still working away in the bathroom, decided it was as well to head home early rather than starting the basin fitting late in the day and driving home after dark. I stopped at Refuge Corner again for a snap of the view across to Hoy where the weather looked a bit filthy.
This evening my beautiful wife has invited Mum and Dad over for cheese and biscuits. I bought a ridiculous amount of cheese earlier. 

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