Departing Oban

I have really enjoyed Oban and our AirBnB, and I really didn't want to go home, today. Still, all good things and all that, so we got up in good time, tidied and cleaned, and then had breakfast at the Oban Café.

As we were leaving after our coffee and bacon rolls we saw a Caledonian MacBrayne ship leaving. This wasn't my best photo of the vessel but it does have the snowy hills in the background: that's artistic compromise for you, right there.

The drive home was beautiful, complete with a quick break at the Green Welly in Tyndrum. Then I stopped off at home long enough to record the radio show (links to follow if I remember) before heading down to Chorley for a swim and an evening with the Minx.

No scales
Reading: 'Middle England' by Jonathan Coe.

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