#7 Solo Piano II - Gonzales

Album: Solo Piano II
Artist: Gonzales

One line synopsis: Minimal piano gems, with a touch of light jazz

Best Track: Othello


I'm sure some serious classical bods would scoff at Gonzales' piano offerings, but this album and his previous solo album float my classical boat. Sparse, pretty and fun. Still hard to believe this is the work of the former worst MC who's lyrical gems include:

I got an extra testicle
But you're skeptical about spectable
And these days bad taste is so delectable
And the crowd is so suggestible


Notes on the top 10:
* Yes I am sad enough to do a top 10 every year
* All albums must have been released this year
* I must own the physical copy of each of them
* I'm fairly sure there are other albums out there that would make this list had I got round to buying them - Grizzly Bear, Andy Stott and Scott Walker spring to mind
* full countdown tagged nstop102012
* click through to see last year's top 10

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