#7 Corollaries - Lubmoyr Melnyk

Album: Corollaries
Artist: Lubomyr Melnyk

One line synopsis: Inventor of continous music creates beautiful piano and string backed ambience

Best Track: It's not really that kind of album, so here's a link to the release notes and preview.


It's not every year that a 64 year old Ukranian composer appears on my top 10 list, but when he's teamed up with an Erased Tapes supergroup it's time to sit up and take notice. The tunes on this album are truly immersive and the use of repetition and the continual cycle of the piano leads to something special.


Notes on the top 10:
* Yes I am sad enough to do a top 10 every year
* All albums must have been released this year
* I must own the physical copy of each of them
* I'm fairly sure there are other albums out there that would make this list had I got round to buying them, feel free to tell me what I've missed
* full countdown tagged nstop102013
* click through to see last year's top 10 and click through again for the year before that

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