Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Day Nine: Out & About

My handbag is rarely my own these days. Quite a lot of interesting things inside it, but none of them for me.

My toes are still really sore today, I can't walk. The soles of my feet are black from all the spilt drinks and the dirty floor but the bruising on my toes is too bad to properly scrub them.

We went up to help clean & pack up the hall this morning. Will arrived quite a bit later, still being sick! The poor bastard was still being sick at 2pm when I last saw him, he looked a horrible shade of green.

Collected the hyper happy children from my mums and made our way home to read magazines and sit in our PJs.

L has gone to bed for the first time without her dummy tonight, she knew it was coming and was already crying and asking for it in the afternoon even though she hasnt had it during the day for months. In moral support the other two (thumb suckers) have gone to sleep with a bandage over their thumbs so they dont put them in their mouths. L wasn't happy but M & L were totally up for the challenge.

Lets hope we dont have a long night!

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