Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Day Eight: Someone You Love

I can't look at this photo without welling up. It was the moment my little brother saw his beautiful bride coming down the aisle. These two love each other so much, they are childhood sweethearts and after 9 years are still ridiculously in love. I couldn't have been prouder of him.

I was a total grumpy cow this morning, just seems like there is so much involved in getting us all out of the house on time. We made it though and I felt instantly chilled as soon as we got in the car.

They had a lovely ceremony in a pub/hotel which was just beautiful. Erin looked stunning, not your traditional bride, totally unique and perfect. Will was just overwhelmed. Quite charming really. Their recessional music was the Rocky theme tune ;-)

Later we walked down the road for a big curry, a family tradition for whenever we're all together. Then we travelled together on a coach to a nearby village hall for a party. I dont have the vocabulary to describe the setting they'd achieved, it was like a wintery, wood type feel. I thought it was so adorable.

The kids ended up staying at my mums as they were getting tired at the time she left. I was quite hoping for a boogie with them but they forget about me in a flash when there are other more exciting people around.

The best man managed to puke in BOTH the kitchen sinks and all over the mens and ladies toilets. I bet his head is sore today. Much like my toes after my brother got all excited and picked me up and dropped me! Theyre getting fatter and more purple by the minute. Cheers bruv! xx

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