
I feel all irritated with the world and all it's people today. I don't know why. It's might be tiredness, PMT or is it the green tea?

I picked up a box of green tea in the 99p shop and discovered that it's really nice.

Drank loads of it at the weekend and having a cup now.

Been for a walk in the woods and this is as shot other than a crop. The woods did nothing to settle my thunderous mood.

My cousin has had a baby which is lovely. He has posted a picture of his new baby and stated....this is the only picture. I refuse to become one of 'those' people. What does that mean? I have three children and do put them on here but they are not only the subject. The same on Facebook and instagram they feature but not all the time. They are part of my life the biggest part. I have replied yes you can be one of those people who does numerous self portraits.

If you do want a child only blip, Facebook or instagram then fair enough as well. I don't mind. I choose who to subscribe to and if I don't fancy your journal then I don't and If you annoy me on Facebook I unsubscribe from your feed.

Also while I am on the subject why can people be such martyrs. I think knowing a woman who lost a son at three tears old gives me a perspective where I just want to say - get over yourself. Get on with it. Fair enough complain, go ahead I do my fair share but dont tell me you are the only person to suffer as badly as this. It's not a competition.

One of those people! See I am all irritated.

Apologies normal service will resume.

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