
Young One came to collect some of my resources today. It took 2 hours to look through the boxes and move them downstairs and into her car. Oscar did not help - he just got in the way! As well as the boxes of resources she took cassettes and CD's, songs sheets, Movement packs,  plans for sensory drama and the Resonance Board, plus books for the children and text books for herself! I knew she was the right person to give all this to, but if I needed confirmation I got it when I asked if she wanted hot water bottles. She almost squealed in excitement! When it was all loaded up I came over quite emotional and nearly cried! We had packed up nearly 30 years of my life and she was driving it away! I think it will take 3 more car loads until the job is done! As well as the tears i felt an enormous sense of lightness and freedom. These resources have been hanging over me like a dark cloud for 4 years - high time they got back into use. 
I took Oscar up Kit Hill as we both needed some fresh air and space. We both got more than expected as it was incredibly mild and in taking off first my scarf, then coat, then cardigan, I found when we got back to the car that my scarf was gone! We had to do the whole circuit again to find it! We also had a bit of a run in with another dog owner. We had passed her chatting on her mobile phone taking no notice of her Labrador, and  Oscar suddenly decided to race after it to play. Well she started screaming! Luckily the owner of a dog he had already played with assured her Oscar was just playing as she shouted "Whose dog is this!" Silly woman! 
It was then a quick trip  to the shops to get an adaptor for an electric toothbrush - why do they come with 2 pins not 3?! 

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