campervan man

By campervan

Laundry was a bit overdue

Thousands of bras are hanging on a fence just outside the Cardrona distillery. They are there to raise awareness of, and money for breast cancer. Judging by the numbers taking pictures and all the write ups on the internet, it is a success.
At the end of most days on this holiday I have reviewed the 100's of pictures taken and have ended up with two or three to choose my blip from. Today there are nine, the one I chose is not the best picture but has the best story. The sun and salt bleached tree trunk on Haast beach was possibly the best, but then there was the Haast bridge, the longest single track bridge in the country or the shepherds hut that will be our home for the next couple of days. A couple of the shots around Lake Wanaka were contenders as was the pictures taken in the fern forest on the way to the Roaring Billy waterfall.
You might have guessed that today was phenomenal. I hope tomorrow will be as good as we search out glacier shots.

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