a rest day and an education

I went to the gym today for a rest.  The past 4 days have been relentless - back-breaking, arm-aching and quite a strain on the old grey matter too.   Even Superwoman is tired.  She came back from yoga last night half asleep.

I also went in to have a moan with my moan-buddy Roger (foreground having a quick swig) about renting houses.

Yesterday afternoon was an education.  We went to look at three houses:

3.00 pm. House 1.  A middle terrace.  
Cold and damp.  The white goods (cooker, fridge etc) were covered in rust.  Some of the tiles in the bathroom were missing, their place taken by large expanses of black mould.  

“It’ll look a lot nicer when we’ve cleaned it up” says the agent.  No it won’t.  Ours for only £825 per month.

3.30 pm. House 2; Semi-detached.  
Warmer, cleaner.  The current tenants are home when we come to view.  “Have a look upstairs” says the young woman “don’t mind my husband.”

I enter the main bedroom; there’s a body lying wrapped in a duvet on the bed.  I exit quietly.  Anniemay looks in the bathroom and gasps; there’s a young girl on the loo.  We abandon the viewing.  

“They’re moving out next week” says the agent “you can comeback and have a proper look then.”    No we can’t.  Ours for only £895 per month.

4.00pm. House 3; CIty Centre apartment.  

It reminds me of a TV cop show where the people who live in the house escape through the back door as the cops come in through the front.  They can’t have gone far.  The kitchen table is still covered in the remains of a half-eaten take-away.  I can smell the curry before I see it.  

The bed is a mattress on the floor and has very recently been slept in - duvet thrown back, clothes scatted on floor.  There are maps of Milton Keynes pinned all over the walls. Hmm?  And an overall air of gloom about the place.

The agent keeps quiet.  Ours for only £950 per month.

None of this is meant as a criticism of people and how they live.  It’s more about the cost of housing and what you get for your money.  No wonder there are so many homeless people in this country.

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