The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Sorting Process

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Operation clear out play room continues. I occasionally became frustrated (grumpy) at the speed of the process.

My approach:
Has it been used in the last year? No? Charity or bin?

The Mini Princesses approach:
Go through every secret paper in every secret box and read out all of the secret scribbles they wrote when they were about 5.

Reminisce about every piece of ‘art’ they ever produced. These creations include an unfinished drawing of our family because the pen ran out, a model of our house*, the ‘pencil pencil case’ (Art Attack has a lot to answer for), a box full of pom poms and sh1t made from loom bands**

Add so much to the attic pile that I am going to lie in bed fearing the ceiling above me collapses under the weight of much needed Primary school jotters.

It all looks so easy on Changing Twatting Rooms but they didn’t have to contend with 2 teenagers insisting that they tried on all the dressing up clothes (that no longer fit) before agreeing to part with them***.

The Mini Princesses actually did a brilliant job. They share my OCD organising genes so we all had that sense of satisfaction that we had sorted stuff and things had places!


*today’s blip picture but I’m sure you had already recognised it!

**Loom bands are tiny coloured elastic bands (about 2 cm in diameter). YMP bloody loved making things with them. We found a carrier bag of purses, phone cases, toys and the pièce de résistance - a pair of gloves. After all, who wouldn’t want a pair of plastic gloves?

***including some lovingly (badly) hand made Halloween costumes when I went through my nostalgic ‘we used to make our own costumes when I was young’ phase. It brought back painful memories of sewing bandages on leggings for a mummy costume for EMP when I realised she would have difficulty going to the loo if we just wrapped her in them. The memories were probably more painful for EMP - she was wearing the leggings at the time and I kept accidentally pricking her with the needle!

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