The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Starting To See Light

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Operation COP (clear out playroom) is almost complete. Mary Doll and Victor came round for lunch yesterday.. Victor is the handiest person I know. He took down the shelving in the playroom and put it up in the garage which was then reorganised by the two of them while I tackled sub operation BUM (bin unwanted mess). I like things to be sorted but Mary Doll and Victor work like Tasmanian devils and make me look like a complete amateur.

Mary Doll has also decided to experiment with vegan recipes for The Youngest Mini Princess and brought lentil dahl for lunch which was lovely.

My parents really are awesome. I am very lucky*.


PS Today’s blip is Frank, my hairdresser’s dog who makes for much better chat than ‘Are you going in holiday this year?’

*except when being admonished for having tiny pants or the special time Mary Doll asked VERY loudly ‘What does rimming mean?’ during a fringe show. She then repeated the question several times (to the amusement of the people sitting next to us) when I chose to ignore her.

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