Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Halo Rainbow !

Another exciting day at the coalface !

Very cold today. Mr S ran into the bedroom this morning to grab my camera (I thought he was coming to grab me ! tsk tsk - should have know, not my birthday for another week!) to get my blip of the moon over the rooftops. It's practically eclipsed ! (someone said - by venus - is that right?)

I tried to blip it tonight but it's in hiding.

Tried blowing bubbles on the grass to blip them freezing, but it's blinkin' hard. I dribbled washing up liquid all over my camera in the process (grr) and gave up on that.

So here is a completely over exposed and out of focus shot of No 3 at Rainbows. She made her Rainbow promise tonight and was over the moon ! Technically it's a rubbish photo - but I love it, because she doesn't sit still for a moment - and I liked how this blip captured some of the chaos behind.

She is a deliciously happy child. I pick her up from school and she runs out with a huge smile and a cuddle for me, then runs back to cuddle her teacher and all of her friends. Even when we fall out, she is very quick to apologise and I am often quite moved by her maturity when she tells my why she understands if she isn't allowed to do something.

I ADORE all my girls and cherish them equally. Good days and bad - but number 3 is a gift from god (as I said on TV once !)

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