Proud Weegie

By Shiv

'A' you're adorable.

Blinkin' freezing today.

Did a wee poll at work to see who 'ticked the box for VR'. Can't find a single person who hasn't ! Interesting...think there's a lot of unhappy workers in there.

Had to pop up to the butchers at lunchtime to pick up diced bambi for a dinner on Friday. We have some 'deer' friends coming for dinner. (ok I'll stop now).

Then a trek to the other side of Edinburgh to find someone to repair tap shoes.

Then home to pickup, cook, tidy, clean etc.

Nice wee respite thought - nipped round to a friends house to blip A and her son A in his kilt for his P7 formal. What a handsome man ! Sorry about the shadows - once I work out how to use Lightroom (that I got for Christmas!) I'll try to take them out.

Hope you had a lovely evening A - and the stretch limo didn't need to do a reverse turn in the drive.

Popping up to see C this evening to get some Juniper Berries for our dinner on Friday.

Keep cosey blippers!

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