Tengmalm Owl

A breezy start to the day, but a lovely calm evening.  It's mostly been a sunny day, but there has been the odd shower.

Another day working in the museum office, and I've been preparing for my talks tomorrow.  There has been some photo orders, and updates done too.  There was the odd job to help out with in the museum.  A fine night for walkies, and plenty of Sammy's friends were out walkies too.  Off to work in the pub later. 

Rory at work notified me of a rare owl in Shetland, so I went of to investigate at lunchtime.  Wow, what a beauty, a peerie Tengmalm Owl!  We don't get many owls in Shetland, so this was a real treat.  Last recorded here in 1912, and only 20 times in the UK since 1901.  He was a right sleepy boy when I arrived, so not many shots with his eyes open.  Spotted this morning by residents Jackie and Erik Moar in their garden.  Locals have been enjoying him being here, and the twitchers are on their way!  Taken at Tumblin, near Bixter. 

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