Hawthorn Cottage an da Quarry

A breezy day, and fairly cloudy all day.  It stayed dry, until the showers came in this evening. 

The morning started with a visit to the doctor.  He was pleased with my scans, and blood pressure perfect, but more blood tests just to check again.  I've been working on the museum desk all day, and it's been a quiet day.  The new exhibition opened at the weekend, so we had various folk in for a look at that.  After working in the pub over the weekend, I've had my Monday shift off.  With the rain, I've enjoyed a quiet night by the fire. 

This is just a quick snap of the house first thing this morning.  Looking onto our house up the quarry face, and the builders yard below.  Hopefully they'll never build anything here, would hate it to ruin my view.  Taken from Hillside Road, looking to Hawthorn Cottage, Scalloway. 

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