Nanny's Girls

The girls are getting used to Nanny and her camera now, and seem to enjoy having a little photoshoot.  I showed them my lens ball which they thought was great, although Scarlett wasn't impressed when Violet dropped it on Scarlett's ankle - luckily it wasn't from a great height!

We then went to Dunham Massey which is a National Trust Deer Park, and after the success of yesterday's trail, I'd read that they had a trail of a different kind at Dunham Massey - I think they tend to do these kind of things for kids during the school holidays.   This one wasn't quite as good as yesterday, but the girls enjoyed it, and then we went to the Orangery where they could make a bird feeder.  Yesterday I converted my NT membership to a family membership for only an additional 50 pence per month on my direct debit, it's well worth it and now I can take the girls whenever I want.  Mind you, Violet is free until she's 5, but it saves on having to pay for Scarlett. 

After lunch, we went in search of the deer and we found them without having to walk to far, but unfortunately it started to rain quite heavily with no sign of it stopping, so I decided it was time to head back to the car.  The only thing is that it seemed quite a long walk back in the pouring rain with two little ones who can't walk that quickly and we got soaked!

Rach finishes work at 2.30pm on a Wednesday so we met back at home, and then went to David Lloyd as Scarlett had a swimming lesson at 4.30pm.  Rach had a guest pass so she signed me in so I could use the gym and go for a run, and then I went for a jacuzzi and watched the last bit of Scarlett's swimming lesson.  I'm impressed as the last time I took her swimming, she still had arm bands on, and now she can swim unaided and doesn't have any fear of going under the water.

After swimming, the girls had their dinner at the gym and we ordered an Indian takeaway to be delivered, so it was a nice easy night.  I did make my butternut squash lasagne for tomorrow though, it always tastes better the next day and it'll save me having to cook tomorrow.

It's been another full, but fun day with my girls :-)

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