Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Rubbish tip...

What a lovely day. Again. I must say, this winter has been amazing. Oops, I’ve probably spoken too soon...

Kerri and Luke came to take Archie out for a stroll over the Meadows, lucky boy. When they came back we had a good chat about the Oscars (they're big film fans). We agreed about Roma - Best Cinematography - Yes! Best Director - Yes! Best Film not in English - Possibly... (Luke rated Capernaum to be much better). But overall Best Film? No.

A beautiful afternoon, but Archie and I spent it on the sofa, watching the Ireland/Italy game while JR popped out to see Bailey's mum. A great game, a win for Ireland, though Italy gave them a run for their money. I do like to see Italy doing well, though not TOO well...

A LOT of work needing done in the kitchen this week - including new windows - the bathroom folk are coming the following week! When will it end??

It would have been lovely to sit out the front and have a coffee in the sun this morning, but unfortunately, our front garden is a rubbish tip at the moment...

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