
What a view at 6am in London, GB I have missed you! Long journey home from the USA and couldn't wait to touch down on my home soil!

I had left Chicago at 5pm Central time and was so glad to have been within the same city as the POTUS! What a legend he is! Nail biting flight not being able to follow any of the election coverage! As soon as we started to fly over Irish soil we were asking for the pilot to find out the results for us, there was a cheer when he announced the results!

This totally wiped out any dismay at taking over an hour to get us off the plane despite landing on time; therefore missing my connection to Scotland! It did take me another 4 hours to get home and I ended up forcing myself to stay awake till the evening time - worked out to be 24 hours travel and 36 hours awake in total!

So overall a wonderful landing into my second home (big up London) and big grin for Baraks win, I can rest for another 4 years, now just to get rid of Cameron and his cronies x

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