The Coastal Path walk

One of my sheer delights when I’m in Madeira is to walk from my hotel as far as Praia Formosa along the coastal path.

We had our Tuesday coffee morning as usual - our chance to see regular guests who come out in this particular week (week 8). That meant my stroll started a little later and it was already exceptionally hot for February.

I called in at Reid’s to find out when they are next hosting a chamber concert and I took another photo from the terrace. I try to go along for a cocktail at some point - elegance, charm and stunning views. (Better value than the famed afternoon tea.)

Monarchs, various little birds, breathtaking views, it was lovely. (Extra)

The walk is around 4km (they say). There are some uphill bits, but there’s no pressure.

And I caught the number 2 bus back home.

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