The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Happy Fifteenth YMP!

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It’s The Youngest Mini Princess’s fifteenth birthday today.

I had chosen clothes as part of her birthday present and SHE LIKED THEM!

Buying clothes when she was three was easy - anything pink or purple (preferably with butterflies or stars) was a winner. But now she likes FASHION and unless jeans and hoodies become bang on-trend, then it’s fair to say that fashion is lost on me.

I went into FIVE youth clothing shops. Yep five. I was fully aware that I looked like a rabbit caught in headlights and as comfortable as a bloke in a lingerie department at Christmas.

So it was a very nice surprise that my choices were favourably received. I might have to bow out on a shopping high as I strongly suspect this was purely down to fluke. Also, there is a chance that I’m barred from H&M for stalking as I started following some youths to see what they were picking out.*

It was a school day but we went out to Sora Lella, a Vegan Italian restaurant for dinner. It was lovely and YMP was happy as she could choose anything from the menu.

And I love seeing her happy. It makes me happy too.


*I stopped short of hanging outside the changing rooms to ask how they got on!

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