Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The church nearby

It's snowing again, a bit more now than earlier today. It's really cozy sitting inside and looking out at the dancing snowflakes.
My day started with a bread bake. Always nice to eat newly baked bread for breakfast. And I could tick that of my list, baking that is. :)
Then I really needed to go for a long walk. I haven't done that for a couple of days now, not really knowing what road to walk - since the wooden path is not really walk friendly now, due to all the snow. I thought I'd try my training shoes in snow to, with the rubberthingy with spikes on that you put under the shoes. If I didn't have that on my shoes I would slide around like a soap in a sink, or Bambi on ice. The training shoes did really well in the snow! I didn't get cold and I didn't get wet! Great shoes! :)
I walked on a road I've been walking on before I found the path through the wood. It's as boring as watching paint dry, especially now when I now how relaxing the wooden path is! There are a constant flow of cars, no stillness, and some of the smells! Not nice!! I walk past a car painting shop/garage and the smells there are sharp and unpleasant. Enough wining now! :) I went as far as the little church and then turned and went back. The best thing about this walk was that I really feel how my fitness has changed and is much better then the last time I walked this road. :)
This evening I'm planning to make gingerbread dough, now that I have bought a new bottle of syrup. The one I had should have gone to recycle heaven 4 years ago... :D

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