
This onion has grown old and photogenic enough to have its day in the spotlight, thereby absolving it from entry into the soup pot.
It is amazing what you find when rummaging in the depths of the vegetable drawer of the fridge.

With daylight not happening until 9am this morning and still being at a premium, it was debateable whether or not we should venture forth into the murk and dreary dampness of the day.
It was only the promise of a coffee in the bookshop and a look round the Christmas market here in Quartermile, that persuaded me to leave the warmth of my little erstwhile sluice room study and don coat and boots.

It is particularly relevant that the only things bought at the market were a cake and a hot water bottle in a fancy knitted cover.
The latter is for Santa to bring me on Christmas Day (if I can wait that long) after His Lordship has wrapped it up for him.
Eat your heart out jewellers and perfumiers- warm is the way to go.

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