Hymn With the Big Tuba!

It was foolish not to remember that any shopping on a Saturday is stressful.
It was even more foolish to forget that this is the busiest shopping weekend of the year.
It was stupid to imagine that a saunter round the under canvas market in Castle Street or the German Market at the foot of the Mound would be anything less than horrendous in the face of the multitudes.
It was ridiculous to think that the passage through the hordes on the top path in the Gardens would be a short cut to M&S.

But we made it and found the saintly shop a relative haven of civility where we could browse and come home with the bacon nut roast, and more important to His Lordship, the wine.

Getting back to the peace and unusual emptiness of our little bookshop for tea and a mince pie was such a relief.

The Sally Army brass band at the West End of Princes Street got my vote in the blip stakes and a donation today.

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