Big Dog Little Dog Cardbard Box

We collected Mr W's car in Hailsham early in the morning then collected his friend Linda from Ringmer then headed over to Burling gap with Bella so she could experience the sea and have a little walk. 

We had a lovely lunch in the cafe at Burling Gap and so many people made a real fuss of Bella and she sat beautifully while we ate.

Sadly the tide was in and the sea was a bit choppy so we didn't venture down to the beach and the cliff walk had electric fence both sides of the path as there were some moorland ponies up there so we couldn't let Bella off the lead and Mr W insisted on holding her on a really tight lead to teach her to heal but that was not my idea of a walk so I asked that we went somewhere else.

So we stopped off in Seaford where Bella did get to have a runabout and a play .She found a bit of old rope (seen here at her feet) that she loved to toss about and she also fancied her luck at chasing the crows!

Then she had a chat with a big old german shepherd seen in the background here and was doing really well until a man with a cap approached them both which made the german shepherd bark which made Bella run off with her tail between her legs.She'd run between the Beach huts and into the car park but luckily her recall is so good, she came back the second I called her.

After all that excitement and a poo on the beach (Bella - not me!) we went to a Wyevale Garden centre in Newhaven. They have dog seating outside the cafe area now so we could sit and enjoy a piece of cake. Again Bella sat beautifully on my coat and wagged her tail at anyone passing and of course no one could resist those puppy eyes and everyone who saw her stopped for a cuddle and a chat. If we had charged for each stroke and "what breed is she" and "what a beautiful puppy" we could have paid for our tea and cake!!!

Needless to say by the time we got home she was totally zonked.... until bedtime when she had regained all her energy and whizzed round the house like the devil dog possessed!

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