Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

View from our Bedroom

Taken this morning as I knew it would be a busy day 1. Trainee group made up of Egyptians, an Armenian, a Canadian, a British Chinese, and a Cuban. It seems like a lively, participative group, so fingers crossed! First teaching practice tomorrow.

The day wasn't without challenges though: no internet at school for a good part of the morning (and there isn't wifi at all), the servers were down for part of the morning, meaning no access to any documents. I can't print from my profile and so need to email my docs to someone to print for me - very annoying and time consuming. To crown it all, we came home tonight to find no wifi in the flat. This means I have no means of working on docs at home and emailing them to myself or saving them in Dropbox and accessing them in school or vice versa. No memory sticks are allowed. Being freelance, most of my documents aren't in school, but on my laptop at home. No wifi means no WhatsApp - not ideal when far from friends and family. Busboy - if you see this, I won't be receiving your WhatsApp’s either. The only thing I could do tonight was connect my laptop to our own printer in the flat using the cable, print off a copy of the documents I’d been working on at home and take the paper copies to school tomorrow to photocopy them. I can't edit them in school, so I hope they're right......Sorry for the rant but it's not workable.

I'm blipping from my mini iPad, which we buy data for ourselves, but can't print from or work on documents from.

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