The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Just Dance

Dear O'H dear,

Tea Jenny and I were up for hours before anyone else so we had pancakes and went for a lovely walk with Murphy. As a general piece of advice, I do not recommend drinking 5 pints of tea (between 2) before going on a 2 hour walk. Not unless you plan on doing the wee wee dance half way through. The wee wee dance is what I used to call it when The (toddler) Mini Princesses started hopping from foot to foot because they desperately needed the toilet but had left it to the last possible moment. It was often accompanied by a strategically placed hand, because OBVIOUSLY that helps keep it in*.

It is Jenny’s birthday tomorrow but EMP is playing in a concert so we all went out tonight to Mother India for an early celebration. Good food and a good friend. A good combination!


*Tea Jenny and I did NOT do that.

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