The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Call A Spade A Spade

Dear O'H dear,

Jenny and I met The Explorer for lunch today in The Black Ivy. The Explorer was telling us that her sister, Songbird has been moved to a different care provider. Amongst a whole lot of issues, It also became apparent that her previous carers didn’t really know Songbird at all, particularly when they said that they hadn’t realised that music was important to her.

A few years ago, The Explorer received a call informing her that whilst out gardening, Songbird had whacked someone with a spade. It was quite understandable - they had told her to stop singing! Whilst I appreciate the drawbacks, I quite admire this approach. I may start carrying a spade around!

It was lovely to spend time with Jenny and The Explorer together. It all just slotted into place.


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