Reclining on Friday!

A dull and windy morning, but by lunchtime, the sun came out and a sunny afternoon.   Gale force winds tonight, mixed with heavy wintery showers. 

I've been working in the museum again today, and a fairly quiet day.  There was plenty to keep me busy.  Sammy has been getting fairly scruffy over winter, so he's had his first haircut of the year.  Popped by Madeline's this evening, and then picked up mam and headed to see bro Jonny.  On our way back, popped by sister Laura.  Feet up by the fire now. 

A fine catchup with news at Jonny's, while the bairns were at youth club.  On their arrival, a peerie whirlwind rushed through the house, finally settling in the living room.   Jonny has new sofa and chairs, are they are recliners.   The photo says it all, they are well loved.  Isaiah, Alex and Lena, all chilled out watching some cartoons before heading to bed.  Taken at Jonny's, Bigton.  

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