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...this atheist is in a church.

My friend SaladPot was singing this evening as part of her Church's carol service. I was brought up Church of England and despite my beliefs now, I do still love a christmas carol. So I went.

It has been years since I've been in a church and it did feel a little strange walking in. Everyone was really friendly and welcoming though and I actually enjoyed it. SaladPot sang a solo at one point - she has such a pretty voice, it was lovely! She also sang with the kids and rode an imaginary camel.

I will always be an atheist. I simply don't believe in a higher power or any religion. I never will. My lack of faith is a comfort to me, it makes my world make sense.

But I do respect those who do have faith. As I sat there tonight, I realised that I'm pleased I was raised with the church. To me, some of the messages, values and morals taught there lay a strong foundation for children. Of course, I don't agree with the institution, or people who become fanatical and do things 'in god's name'. But I do think if I ever have children, I'd like them to learn, as I did and then make their own choices, as I did.

Thanks for inviting me SaladPot, it was an interesting experience. I enjoyed the singing and even surprised myself by how many of the words to the songs I remembered!

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