And so it begins again...

Day 1

In 17 weeks I will be running the Fort William marathon. This will be my third marathon. I am well aware that I said my last one would be the last, but what can I say? I can't seem to stop!

I have decided not to do Edinburgh again though. I think I know the route too well. I'm going to do the Fort William marathon without running any of the route beforehand. This will be weird for me as I ran the Edinburgh route in every training session.

I've chosen Fort William as its 6 weeks earlier too. I've come to realise that I truly am a cold weather runner. I actually don't like running in any type of heat. Fingers crossed that its still cold on 14th April 2013 in the Highlands!

My Runner's World training schedule is 16 weeks long, and I've decided to start it early. I might need a little wiggle room around Jane and Tony's wedding in March!

So this is Day 1. I blipped this light and tree in Holyrood Park as I finished my 7 mile run home from work tonight. I like the textures of the branches in the light.

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