
So this morning, I did something beyond stupid. I went for a run and when I got home I put my running kit in the washing machine. I got in the shower and suddenly wondered where my phone was. I jumped out of the shower and went looking for it. It was nowhere to be seen.

Then realisation struck. It was in my running jacket pocket, which was happily turning in the washing machine. I literally (ok figuratively) died a little inside. I rushed to the washing machine and tried to stop the wash and open the door. Not an easy feat. After banging on the washing machine door a couple of times it finally opened and I rescued the phone.

Now those of you that know me know that I love my iPhone. My entire life is on that phone. I would even go as far as to say that I'm addicted to it.

It initially looked fine, but after a while I noticed it wasn't quite right. Facebook friends have been offering support and advice all day and the upshot is that I think it's going to be ok. I'm trying to ensure it is completely dry before putting the SIM card back in and switching it back on again though, so as not to cause any further damage.

This has caused 3 things to happen:

1. I could not take a blip of my day on my phone as I usually do. Instead I had to dig out my old camera, charge it and take a terrible photo. I'm sorry.
2. I had to endure a day with no phone - and will have to do this tomorrow too.
3. I felt lost. I hadn't realised how much I played with my phone, or even just held it in my pocket. Without it, I don't know what to do with my hands.

I am literally counting down the hours until I can use it again. Dear god, that makes me sound a little pathetic doesn't it? Perhaps this enforced break will do me good...

In other news, I went to the cinema tonight with Hannah to see the Railway Man. I hated it - bad script writing, lacking in emotional depth, mediocre performances and a general overwhelming sense of unfulfilled potential. I cannot recommend it.

Today's run: 3 miles
December running mileage: 45 miles
2013 running mileage: 1025 miles

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