The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Two Little Dickie Birds

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was feeling quite smug about not going into existential crisis mode after a week off when the powers that be played a game of access roulette. I couldn’t actually do anything until after lunchtime by which point I couldn’t be @rsed. The highlight of my day was a game of ‘Flip the Bird’ with Rod in a planning session. The rules of this game are quite simple - to make as many rude hand gestures as possible without losing it or being seen by anyone. I am claiming victory for today as Rod turned away which is clearly CHEATING.

My day improved greatly this evening with the second school Spring Fling night with The Eldest Mini Princess playing piano in the jazz band. I enjoyed it much more than the previous evening. Not a squeaky violin in sight.


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