
A windy day, touching on gale force.   It's been dry all day, but overcast, and hazy in the distance. 

I've had the day off work, and up early.  Me and Sammy headed out walkies after breakfast.  Chores done by lunchtime, and then we headed out for a run in the afternoon.  Popped along big Brian and Madeline's for a cuppa this evening.  Now it's a lazy evening by the fire. 

I wasn't the best day for a hike over the hills, but atleast it was dry, and Sammy found a few rabbits to chase.  I had planned this walk years ago, but never got around to it, so glad I finally did, best walk of the year so far.  Not a person in sight, only sheep, rabbits and birds, stunning scenery, massive waves rolling in, beaches, burns and water mills, lochs and then an old croft ruin.  The croft is the reason I headed out exploring.  This is the croft house of Blidawick, more than likely a post medieval farmstead.  Unlike the more common abandoned houses I visit, this has been a roofless ruin before 1881, according to old maps.  Stunning views from the croft, but what really was impressive, was the stonework and colours of the stones.  Taken at Blidawick, south of Nibon, Northmavine.  

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