
This morning I had an appointment at the Nuffield for a further ultrasound guided steroid injection in my shoulder.  I was hoping they were going to tell me that it had much improved from when I went in December.  But no,  he said my shoulder was at a very funny stage!  He said that everything they've been doing has been aimed at it repairing itself, but it's not happened, and whilst it feels better it's because everything has calmed it down.  He said that once they stop, it's likely to get worse and therefore surgery looks like the only option.  I'm very disappointed as I really don't want to have surgery, but he said it would be less invasive at present.  Anyway, today's injection went ok and I have an appointment on 29th May with the consultant to discuss my options.

This afternoon Tamzin came over with Bella and we went down to the beach, but unfortunately I didn't take the boys due to my shoulder issues, so they stayed at home with Alan. However, after a nice walk and a play on the beach, Bella came back with me to play with the boys in the garden.  I tried to get a photo of the three of them but it wasn't easy!  (See extras).

Tonight, Alan and I walked down to the White Cliffs Cafe for sundowners whilst watching the sunset over the beach.  They were setting up for a private party but Julie-Anne the owner said that because we are regulars we could stay as long as we wanted.  It was very nice of her, but we headed home about 7pm and had the beef tagine that had been cooking all day in the slow cooker.

Tomorrow we're up early and are going to the Loder Valley in search of Kingfishers!  Hope you have a good weekend :-)

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