A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

I'll Huff And I'll Puff..

..and I'll blow your chiringuito down.

Well it certainly seemed as though that was in imminent danger of happening at Breakfast Club this morning.

The wind has howled non-stop once again and I have had intermittent power cuts through Friday night and now rain is coming.

Oh well, it won't last long and the sun will return. Of that we can be sure.

In other news, I fitted the OBD Racechip to my car. It is a small device you plug into the on-board diagnostic port and it learns how the car's computer is restricting the power of the engine and unleashes its full potential.

In theory.

Actually it does work. After about 150 km to Ikea and back this afternoon, the car became more responsive, smoother in acceleration at low revs and generally felt quite a bit nippier.


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