Not Japan!

We had a bit of a rush to get away as we slept a bit later than planned - tiring weekend and time changevis our excuse.

We stopped in Constable Burton to call on S and M and inspect their motor home, the cherry blossom on the green in front of their house was just going over, but still looked lovely.

It wasn’t far from there over the moors to Skipton where we stayed the night with old friends Chris and Rick. We’d not seen them for 3 years as they are very into their cycling groups, jive lessons, running, off piste skiing, swimming etc. Consequently they have limited time, so we were lucky they had the evening free and could tell us all about it.

I thought I must have grown, as i was sure I hadn’t always towered over them but they were saying they have both shrunk 1.5 inches. They must have worn down their legs with all that activity.

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