
By Madchickenwoman


You might wonder why I have posted a photo of The Exile standing in a lane. Well she is standing where I had an accident with another car and ended half way up this hedge! This is the road leading to the National Trust property Cotehele, and as I came round the bend I saw another car, braked, and crashed into it. I have driven down this lane for over 20 years and it was my daily route to and from school - never had an accident until now. I think I inadvertently pressed on the brake and accelerator, and the road was wet. Whatever happened we crashed. Thankfully neither of us was going fast and no physical injury. I managed to get my car off the hedge  and to the side of the road where it was possible for other cars to pass - it did not sound nor feel happy! We swopped details and he drove on. Thats when the fun really started!
I was on hold to my insurance company to arrange  a pick up for over 10 minutes. My car was going nowhere - as well as a busted front right I had a flat tyre. When I first got out the car I could hear hissing and  hoped it wasn't something in the engine! Once through it was another good while giving all the details and finally the location. It's an unnamed road and apart from Cotehele being over a mile away, nothing but fields - no landmarks! Could the guy locate where I was? Nope! In the end I said I would contact my local garage for recovery. Phoned The Exile  to come get me and Oscar - thank heavens I had taken my phone backup charger as the battery was getting very low! I got out the car to walk Oscar as I waited and thats when the shock really hit - legs felt like jelly and my stomach cramping. The Exile was going to phone the garage as I didn't have their number. Well they couldn't recover the vehicle as nowadays Insurance companies run the recovery business and they don't have a recovery vehicle! So she took us home and I asked if she could take Oscar - but she had to walk Ginger and said she could walk Oscar. By now I was feeling as if I was going to faint and just grabbed Oscar from the boot and said I'd take him home with me. I knew she would let him off the lead and quite simply I didn't trust her to be vigilant to distractions and his lack of recall in certain situations. He's getting good with me but dogs don't generalise their behaviour, they have to be taught. I couldn't face worrying about that as I tried to get recovery of my car.
Once home I phoned the insurance company - another long process of both of us looking at google maps to pinpoint where my car was! Cotehele is signposted, there are no further turnings on the road I was on so they just had to head for Cotehele and they would find the car! I finally arranged to meet them on the top road and direct them to my car. Phoned The Exile to say could she take me when I knew what time the recovery vehicle was near. Nope! She had visitors who had just arrived. This really tipped me over the edge! It would have taken 20  - 30 mins max. Surely her friends would understand? I phoned Party Girl and  soon as she heard I had had an accident said she was coming over! Explaining to her what had happened and the fact The Exile couldn't help made me burst into tears! The accident was at 3.30 and it was now 5.30. She had to pick up her children so she phoned her partner to meet the Recovery man. She kept telling him to stop talking and listen - he thought he was being asked to collect my car!! By this point I was bent over double and hoping I wouldn't have to go with him,  he drives like a maniac and talks incessantly!  More phonecalls to give his number to the garage. Phoned the partner to give him the go ahead - he didn't answer! Phoned Party Girl! Finally sorted. Come 7 another call from the recovery centre - they had phoned the Partner and he had not answered! So I messaged him! At 7.30 got a message from him saying all done - car could be a write off as wishbone cracked! Turns out that is the suspension! 
I made myself something to eat, walked Oscar, and took tablets for a headache and was about to head for bed when The Exile knocked on my door, did I want her to walk Oscar! No I said, I had already walked him. She then apologised saying any other time she would have taken me. As far as I was concerned any other time  was no good to me - today was when I needed her.  I don't think she realised just what a state of shock I had been in and the fact I had been  doing everything I could not to go into a panic attack. I think at such times I outwardly appear just quiet and in control when inside I'm in turmoil. But she had just let me stumble down the road pulling Oscar behind me! So I didn't do my usual " That's ok, I understand" response. I just looked at her and coldly said Party Girl had helped! She apologised again and finally left when I still didn't respond in my usual reassuring way. I was miffed and wanted her to know it! If the situation had been reversed I know I would have told my visitors the situation, shown them where the drinks were and that I would have been back asap! It reminded me of many situations with Friend when I felt people were putting their own interests first and not Friends needs. When will I learn that I seem to be out of step with my expectations? I don't think I'm being unreasonable or holding people to too high a standard of action, or  am I?  I had phoned my sister earlier in the eve and she felt that after all I had done for The Exile it was a little poor. There is a whole other story regarding my sister and what I should have been doing with her this weekend - I'll leave that for tomorrows blip!
So, some day! If the car is a write off at least I can buy a car more suitable for Oscar. But I love my Seat Ibiza Sport  1.4 L  it's a nifty fast car! 9 years old and brand new when I bought it. In fact my dad died before I received it from abroad, he had only seen the brochure and had stated how he had never had a brand new car. Oh the memories that come attached to inanimate objects!

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