Royal Albert Hall

Christmas Classics have helped to raise the spirits!!

We joined the theatre group in the village for a trip to London to attend the concert. Previous trips have been on summer evenings, so it was good to travel in the dark and see the Christmas lights in Regent Street and how office life goes on behind curtain less windows!!!

A most enjoyable concert performed by the London Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra, Mark Stone & the Fanfare Trumpeters of the Band of the Scots Guards. A certain amount of audience participation for some of the carols, which were sung with great enthusiasm irrespective of ability!!

A late return, well after midnight! So pleased we were not trying to catch the tube and last train, before the 12 mile final drive home in the foggy conditions.

The next trip on offer in February is to see the Bodyguard. Saw the film...excellent!! Will probably see the show as it has had good reviews and I love the music!!

Pic quality a bit rubbish as it was taken on my phone. Later learned that I can change the setting and improve the quality!! Lesson for the day!!

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