
By seddon

Big girl bath

Last night was not a good night. Daddy stayed downstairs with me until 3am, just taking me to mummy for feeds. Because my tummy was so sore, mummy couldn't give me any gaviscon, which meant that I spent a lot of time gagging and choking when I was in my cot, and so none of us got much sleep.
Today hasn't been a good day either! I spent so much time crying this morning that Thomas resorted to watching a film on his iPad with his headphones on, just to drown out the noise!
Mummy has given me some lactulose, and is hoping it helps.
This afternoon we walked (Thomas scootered) to grandma and grandads house, where I finally settled for a while on grandmas shoulder. I had resumed crying once grandad came home from work though!
Daddy bought me a sponge for the big bath that I can lie on and splash - I was getting a bit big for the baby bath. So this evening Mummy gave me a warm bath, hoping it would help my tummy. I enjoyed splashing around, only cried when it was time to get dried, and I've been much more settled since.

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