Watching 'M*A*S*H' is one of my strongest memories from living in Hong Kong. My parents loved it and, viewing it with them, I think I was just old enough to at least begin to grasp the humour and the deft mix of tears and laughter. 

I wouldn't have recognised it at the time, of course, but I think it was also the start of my preference for character based works that rely on an ensemble of well written characters. Sometimes I don't actually need that much story.

A few days ago, my Twitter friend, Jane, included me in one of those exercises that do the rounds on Twitter and Facebook (and probably elsewhere): over seven days post the covers of seven books you love. This, happily, necessitated me going through my bookshelves (and piles), so I discovered this book that I'd forgotten I own. Now I just need to find time to read it again.

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Reading: 'Refining Sound' by Brian K Shepard 

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