Yellow Carpet

On my way to the gym this morning I stopped off to take some photos of the rapeseed field in Falmer.  Unfortunately it's been grey all day, so it doesn't look as stunning as it would have done if there was a blue sky.  It was still lovely though and the skylarks were flying around and singing which is such a wonderful sound.  I even managed to capture a sky lark sitting on the fence (see extra).

I had a good session at the gym then came home to shower, have lunch and get ready for work.  I left a little earlier than normal as I had a rendezvous at a secret location!  I was invited to go to the Brighton Gin distillery where normally no-one is allowed to visit.  I got to the address I was given, but I couldn't find it as there were no signs identifying it, apart from a Brighton Gin bike on the main road.  I asked a girl who was sat on some steps if she knew where it was and luckily she did.  I entered the building and saw some big green metal doors with a sign that said 'no cold callers'.  The door was slightly ajar so I knocked and walked in and it was really interesting to see them bottling the gin.  The girl I met explained that they keep it as a secret location because it's such a small set up, and they don't have security guards so because of what they do there, they can't advertise where they are.  I would have loved to have taken some photos but didn't ask in light of what she said.  It's not possible to buy any gin there as they're not licensed to sell it which is a bit bizarre, but that's fine as I don't like gin - it was great to see what goes on behind closed doors though.

Elif has asked if I could do a family photoshoot in the yellow field, so we're going to go on Monday morning - fingers crossed the weather is as good as is forecast and I get some photos with blue skies!

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