
By seddon


So last night was not a good night!
I was a very sad girl after my jabs and would not sleep without being cuddled/patted/comfort feeding. It was a very long night for Mummy! Calpol didn't really touch me and I was very hot and bothered. In the end she resorted to sterilising a dummy for me at 4am, which let us both get about 2 hours sleep!
We took Thomas to school and I slept the whole way in my carrier. Me and mummy went to Nannie and Grandpa's house - Nannie was looking after me whilst mummy and daddy went car shopping again.
I was a good girl for Nannie and drank a whole 5oz bottle and then slept in my bouncer!
Mummy and daddy ordered our new car - We should get it in 3 weeks.
We all went home - uncle Marmoo had picked Thomas up from school, so he had some sneaky cuddles with me before he went home.
I've been happier this afternoon, but my leg looks very sore from my men b vaccine, and my hernia is huge from all the crying I've done.
Me and mummy had a much needed early night whilst daddy watched the football.

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