The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Endgame Fever

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The run up to watching Avengers: Endgame has not been easy. Aside from containing my excitement, I had to make sure that I avoided ALL spoilers. Not easy in an IT department but I made it crystal clear to my colleagues that I would make their lives an abject misery if there was even as much as a hint. Thankfully I don’t work on Fridays. What are the chances of a whole department of nerds keeping quiet about the latest superhero film?

To my delight, I managed it and there was a Princess outing to the Dominion to see It this afternoon. The Prince can take or leave the Marvel films* so he was happy having some peace at home**.

We even managed our fluid intake earlier in the day so we could avoid needing the loo***. There’s a lot of planning that goes into watching a film that long!

I loved it. Three hours flew past. I laughed a lot (Korg & Thor) and cried a bit less. I felt slightly bereft at the end. I have watched all of the films with The Mini Princesses and it’s one of our things.

We’ll just have to watch them all again!


*absolutely NOT an acceptable attitude for our outing

**He also wasn’t allowed to come as he hadn’t seen Infinity War. He wouldn’t have had a clue what was going on and it would have been too painful trying to explain.

***I would have had to pee my seat. I don’t want to be barred from my favourite cinema.

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