
By FarmerGirl

Blip Friends

Prior to leaving Christchurch this morning, I had one more thing to do - a blip meeting kindly organised by GingerNan at a lovely café in Riccarton. It was an early meet, The Boss and Bossess arrived for breakfast, GingerNan around 9am, and I arrived (late) at 9.30am. It was lovely to meet The Boss (Tussock Tales)The Bossess and GingerNan - it was a pity that poor Tussock had to stay home down South, as it would have been superb to have met her too - she sounds such a character!

After a good natter over coffee, and the exchanging of phone numbers, we all departed our separate ways. Thank you GingerNan for organising such a wonderfully relaxed meet - we will have to do it again some time. The photo shows (from left to right) GingerNan, The Bossess, and The Boss.

We arrived back home around 4pm, time to unpack, and get some tea, before Farmerboy went to milk. We couldn't believe all the traffic on our trip home; lots of slow campervans, and cars with boats and trailers. It was so evadent that the summer holidays have arrived. So if you are travelling out there, do take care, and don't forget to stop and take regular breaks.

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